Sarad Gajurel

Full-stack Software Engineer

I am a results-driven software engineer with expertise in full-stack development, application design, and database management. Proficient in technologies such as Flutter, .NET, Node.js, PostgreSQL, and more, I specialize in crafting efficient, scalable, and user-centric solutions. With more than 5 years of industry experience, I've successfully delivered numerous mobile and web applications. I excel in collaborative, innovative environments and am passionate about staying updated with the latest tech trends to contribute to impactful projects.

Interests: Mobile Computing, Blogging, AI/ML, Automation


Manpower System 2023-Present

SAAS based HR Management Software for a recruiting agency

.NET ASP.NET (Blazor) PostgreSQL Nginx

Project Site
Check Writer (Cloud-based Payment App) 2023-Present

Payment via printable Check, eChecks, Check by mail, Credit, Debit, ACH, Wallet-to Wallet, Wire, etc.

Flutter CI/CD

Project Site
Waste Management System 2022-Present

SAAS based solution for waste management companies

Node.js PostgreSQL Flutter Docker CI/CD Nginx

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Restaurant Management Software 2022-Present

Single vendor restaurant management software

Node.js MongoDB React Docker Nginx CI/CD

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See all 10 projects